Smart Port Challenge 2024
Innovation Opportunities

This year’s Smart Port Challenge offers 14 innovation opportunities that address four key categories:

  1. Maritime Green Technologies – to develop and promote the use of green and clean energy technology in the maritime sector.
  2. Next Generation Ports – to enhance the productivity and efficiency of our port operations.
  3. Smart Shipping – to accelerate innovative solutions improving the efficiency and safety of ship operations.
  4. Digitalisation (AI, Cybersecurity, Cloud) – to enable greater application of AI, Cybersecurity and Cloud technologies.

Scroll down to explore each innovation opportunity.

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The Corporate Sponsors supporting these innovation opportunities are:

Managing ammonia risk

Key Categories:

Maritime Green Technologies

BACKGROUND In the push towards decarbonisation, ammonia has been identified as one of the top three potential fuels for 2050. Singapore will be embarking on a project to develop an ammonia supply chain, including ammonia bunkering. However, there is...

Improving crew safety in handling methanol as a fuel

Key Categories:

Maritime Green Technologies

BACKGROUND Methanol has gained global attention as a viable alternative, low-carbon fuel for the maritime industry as new methanol fuelled ships and bunker barges are ordered or converted. Singapore successfully conducted the world...

Enhancing charging & battery performance

Key Categories:

Maritime Green Technologies

BACKGROUND From 2030, all new harbourcrafts operating in Singapore’s port waters must be fully electric, be capable of using B100 biofuel, or be compatible with net-zero fuels such as hydrogen. However, adoption of electrification...

Developing next generation wind assist technology to improve fuel efficiency

Key Categories:

Maritime Green Technologies

BACKGROUND Wind Assist Ship Propulsion (WASP) has seen a revival of interest in various wind sail technologies for ships. At the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) level, the technology has been identified as one of the key...

Strengthening situational awareness with AI and Computer vision

Key Categories:

Smart Shipping

BACKGROUND There have been increasing attacks by small crafts that blend in with fishing vessels and do not have AIS transponders, escaping detection by a regular ship’s navigation radar. There is also a need to alert surroundin...

Securing business critical data

Key Categories:

Smart Shipping

BACKGROUND Ships share their connectivity bandwidth across many functions and seafarers, and are presently unable to apportion their bandwidth to mission-critical functions. As such, how can we batch critical data during disruption w...

Man overboard in Port waters

Key Categories:

Smart Shipping

BACKGROUND Man overboard (MOB) incidents pose significant risks in port waters, where numerous vessels navigate through crowded and often complex environments. Despite safety protocols and regulations, such incidents can occur due to variou...

Shipboard sensor kit for harbour craft

Key Categories:

Smart Shipping

BACKGROUND The Maritime Singapore Decarbonisation Blueprint 7 by MPA outlines 7 focus areas including “Future marine fuels (Eg. Ammonia, methanol and LNG), bunkering standards and infrastructure”. With the IMO’s ambition to ha...

Enhancing connectivity for digital port services

Key Categories:

Next Generation Ports

BACKGROUND Harbourcraft operators and (within the ship) face intermittent or unreliable internet connectivity when providing digitally enabled services to ships (e.g. ship supplies, apps, certain cases for bunkering), especially i...

Improving autonomous truck performance

Key Categories:

Next Generation Ports

How can the operational performance of existing autonomous truck deployments be improved in inclement weather conditions? BACKGROUND In a bid to improve port efficiency, PSA Corporation Limited (PSA Singapore) ...

Building a circular ecosystem

Key Categories:

Next Generation Ports

How can we develop closed-loop systems for collecting, cleaning, and recycling waste (e.g. used cotton gloves, rugs, and mooring ropes)? BACKGROUND To reduce carbon emissions within the port, PSA Singapore has ...

Remote Pilotage

Key Categories:

Next Generation Ports

BACKGROUND Existing regulations in the Singapore port mandate vessels 300GT and above to engage the service of authorised pilots for navigation within the port. This process involves pilots transferring to vessels via pilot launch...

Building maritime cybersecurity resilience

Key Categories:

Digitalisation (AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity)

BACKGROUND With the rapid advancement of technology, operational technology (OT) systems on ships, command and control systems of drones, and unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs) have become integral to their efficient and safe ope...

Improving charging optimization using predictive modelling

Key Categories:

Digitalisation (AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity)

BACKGROUND From 2030, all new harbourcrafts operating in Singapore’s port waters must be fully electric, be capable of using B100 biofuel, or be compatible with net-zero fuels such as hydrogen. To support the electrification of ...

Open Category

Key Categories:

Maritime Green Technologies

Next Generation Ports

Smart Shipping

Digitalisation (AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity)

Start-ups with technologies or solutions that can address the key focus areas of Maritime Green Technologies, Next Generation Ports, Smart Shipping, Digitalisation (Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity & Cloud) which have not been defined ...

Shortlisted finalists are enrolled in a two-phase, 12-week programme.

Phase 1: Fit Check - Market Discovery and Validation

Kickstart your journey by diving deep into the heart of your market! In this phase, we'll help you answer the pivotal question: Is there a product-market fit for your solution? Validate your tech, test your assumptions, and find the perfect match for your innovation. A review will be conducted at the end of Phase 1. Only selected participants will advance to Phase 2.

Phase 2: Gap Busters - Navigating New Markets

Now, it's time to bridge the commercial gap. In this phase, you’ll partner with industry veterans who bring sharp business insights to the table. Together, you’ll navigate and conquer markets that may be uncharted territory for your startup.

Although the programme is designed for remote and overseas participants, in-person participation is required for the following events conducted in Singapore: