Interactive & Engaging Training through Technology and Virtual Walkthrough for Vessels

22 Jun, 2020

Happening every Thursday, 4 pm to 5 pm (SGT), our Smart Port Challenge 2020 Roadshows continue to bring you sapience for the 17 innovation opportunities put forth by maritime corporates.


This week (18 June), Paul Van Empel, Managing Director for Training at Uniteam Marine, shared his insights on Interactive & Engaging Training through Technology during the first session. As a ship management company, Uniteam Marine has a big maritime training centre to provide training in two broad areas:

  1. Watchkeeping – structured duties and management during sea voyage
  2. Maintenance activities – less frequent activities such as engine maintenance and painting


With the advancement of technology and especially during this pandemic period, Uniteam Marine is looking for a digital solution to conduct their training and increase learning capacity. As an example, Paul used a mobile game application that can be customised to the different working environments and protocols to provide officers onboard vessels an enriching yet engaging learning experience. While the element of fun is important, the training tool should give seafarers the flexibility to learn at their own pace and incentivise them to continue learning.


The start-up selected to work with Uniteam Marine will be given the opportunity to exercise their creativity in the development of the gameplay and design with essential input on knowledge and procedures provided by Uniteam.


For the second session, Tetsuya Okazumi, Technical Solution Manager at Ocean Network Express (ONE) addressed the innovation opportunity on Virtual Walkthrough for Vessels.

In order to keep their quality of service high and prevent damage to their cargo, ONE cooperates with ship owners and ship management companies on vessel maintenance.


As such, the 3 challenges ONE hopes to address are:

  1. Reducing the communication time when reporting an issue faced by vessels to ONE
  2. Reducing the inspection interval for vessels (from the current 2 years)
  3. Conducting a thorough inspection of vessels during the limited port of stay duration


Together with Symphony Creative Solutions, the innovation arm of ONE, ONE will offer the selected start-up support and resources by pulling together a pool of stakeholders to test the solution and provide feedback.


Re-watch the recording here.


Join us next Thursday (25 June) where PSA Unboxed will be addressing:

(1) Accurate Identification and Location Feedback for Container Fitting

(2) Auto Refuelling for Prime Movers

Sign up here!

Shortlisted finalists are enrolled in a two-phase, 12-week programme.

Phase 1: Fit Check - Market Discovery and Validation

Kickstart your journey by diving deep into the heart of your market! In this phase, we'll help you answer the pivotal question: Is there a product-market fit for your solution? Validate your tech, test your assumptions, and find the perfect match for your innovation. A review will be conducted at the end of Phase 1. Only selected participants will advance to Phase 2.

Phase 2: Gap Busters - Navigating New Markets

Now, it's time to bridge the commercial gap. In this phase, you’ll partner with industry veterans who bring sharp business insights to the table. Together, you’ll navigate and conquer markets that may be uncharted territory for your startup.

Although the programme is designed for remote and overseas participants, in-person participation is required for the following events conducted in Singapore: