Mizzen Group


Technology Area(s) : Software as a Service (SaaS), Supply chain and logistics, Data analytics

Mizzen’s mission is to remove inefficiencies in the current pricing practices and help shipping lines maximise profitability of every vessel voyage. To do this, they need new ways of setting and distributing prices to their customers. Our price optimisation software enables trade and sales teams to transition from manual processes to data driven dynamic pricing. It provides daily guidance on what price to set and what product and allocation to make available. Our solution can be integrated with existing operating systems to deliver the optimised price, product and allocation to an online sales channel.

Steering the right cargo to the right vessel at the right price has never been easier.

Elevator Pitch

Company Info

Founded : 2015

Location : Australia

Contact Details

Jon Charles


Funding Info

Pre-Series A


Shortlisted finalists are enrolled in a two-phase, 12-week programme.

Phase 1: Fit Check - Market Discovery and Validation

Kickstart your journey by diving deep into the heart of your market! In this phase, we'll help you answer the pivotal question: Is there a product-market fit for your solution? Validate your tech, test your assumptions, and find the perfect match for your innovation. A review will be conducted at the end of Phase 1. Only selected participants will advance to Phase 2.

Phase 2: Gap Busters - Navigating New Markets

Now, it's time to bridge the commercial gap. In this phase, you’ll partner with industry veterans who bring sharp business insights to the table. Together, you’ll navigate and conquer markets that may be uncharted territory for your startup.

Although the programme is designed for remote and overseas participants, in-person participation is required for the following events conducted in Singapore: