3Y Energy

3Y Energy

Technology Area(s) : CleanTech

Introducing a one-stop solution for integrating alternative fuels (specifically ammonia, methanol, and hydrogen) into existing marine or heavy-duty engines. Our innovative system integrates with current engines, demanding minimal structural changes. The modular design of the system incorporates fuel supply, combustion control and online monitoring. The design also ensures optimal combustion without any output degradation. Users can flexibly adjust the CO2 reduction range to meet regulatory standards, achieving up to 90% reduction with ammonia and a complete 100% with hydrogen. Remarkably, our solution is priced at merely 10%-20% of a conventional engine of similar capacity.

Company Info

Founded : 2023

Location : Singapore

Funding Info


Shortlisted finalists are enrolled in a two-phase, 12-week programme.

Phase 1: Fit Check - Market Discovery and Validation

Kickstart your journey by diving deep into the heart of your market! In this phase, we'll help you answer the pivotal question: Is there a product-market fit for your solution? Validate your tech, test your assumptions, and find the perfect match for your innovation. A review will be conducted at the end of Phase 1. Only selected participants will advance to Phase 2.

Phase 2: Gap Busters - Navigating New Markets

Now, it's time to bridge the commercial gap. In this phase, you’ll partner with industry veterans who bring sharp business insights to the table. Together, you’ll navigate and conquer markets that may be uncharted territory for your startup.

Although the programme is designed for remote and overseas participants, in-person participation is required for the following events conducted in Singapore: